Cooking Old Fashioned Rolled Oats With Milk

This money-saving method couldn't be easier.

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Oat milk has become a pop constitute-based milk in recent years. Information technology has a neutral flavor and is a safe pick if you lot accept intolerances to soy, gluten, dairy, or nuts. While oat milk isn't much pricier than other plant milks or even organic moo-cow'due south milk, it's even cheaper if y'all make it yourself. Just ane cup of oats, which costs pennies at the supermarket, is plenty to make two cups of milk. The quick, easy process requires very fiddling equipment: just a blender and something you lot can use to strain the milk — even a clean dishtowel works!

It's of import to know that homemade oat milk doesn't contain all the nutrients that a store-bought carton of oat milk boasts. Commercially-produced oat milks are usually fortified with calcium, potassium, and other vitamins and nutrients. But the homemade stuff is however rich in beta-glucans, a blazon of soluble cobweb that's great for your middle, amidst other nutrients.

What You lot'll Need to Make Oat Milk

Blender: Whatsoever blender will do, only a college-ability model similar a Vitamix or Blendtec volition blend the pulp more quickly and to a finer consistency.

Strainer: Though made for plant-based milks, nut milk bags can let in too much of the pulp. Try a woven tea towel or even a clean T-shirt if you prefer a smoother milk. A fine-mesh sieve is also an option but, like the bag, it might allow too much of the solids to pass through.

Bowl: Use a medium-sized bowl of any fabric for soaking and straining your oats. One with a spout will make pouring the mixture into your blender even easier.

Storage Container: A drinking glass or plastic canteen with a chapeau or a large Mason jar are good storage options for your finished oat milk. Make sure the lid is water-tight because you demand to be able to shake information technology up if it settles.

Choosing Your Ingredients

Rolled oats are the best type of oat to use for oat milk. They requite a creamier stop result than steel cut oats. Equally for quick oats, these are also processed, and often yield an unpleasantly slimy milk. If y'all are on a gluten-complimentary diet, be sure to seek out oats labeled gluten-free.

You can add ingredients to oat milk for a sweeter consistency or a flavored version. Attempt calculation ii pitted, roughly chopped dates to the oats in the blender, or stir in a teaspoon of vanilla extract or maple syrup after the milk has been strained. Or try chocolate milk by calculation a tablespoon of cocoa powder! You can blend a little fleck of kokosnoot oil into your oat milk, which will requite it a richness that is more similar the commercial versions.

How to Make Homemade Oat Milk

Homemade oat milk could not be easier to make. Simply combine one office rolled oats and three to four parts water in a blender, blend merely until smooth, and then strain. Every bit nosotros've mentioned, you might want to experiment with how unlike strainers bear upon your end effect. In my experimenting, a nut milk purse left a lot of sediment in the milk, but the tea towel I used wouldn't allow the liquid to drain out properly.

To Soak or Not To Soak?

Some recipes telephone call for the added step of soaking the rolled oats in water for 15 to 30 minutes, draining and rinsing them, then adding water again. If you've ever made oat milk and found the texture to be a little slick or slimy, try adding this step to your process, as it rinses abroad any of the powdery sediment that gives the milk this texture. Hydrating the oats also helps them blend more easily. I tried it both means and didn't notice a discernible difference between milks from soaked and un-soaked oats.

Using and Storing Oat Milk

Keep oat milk in a covered canteen or jar in the refrigerator for up to five days. It'due south natural for it to carve up a fleck; just milk shake it or stir information technology before using. Oat milk is perfect for baked goods, cooked cereal, smoothies, and java.

My Favorite Method

Oat milk is and so quick and like shooting fish in a barrel to make that I go far in smaller batches so that it's fresher. Offset, combine 1/2 cup of oats, 1 pitted and chopped engagement, and one loving cup of h2o in the blender. Alloy for no longer than xxx seconds, until the date is candy and the mixture looks creamy. Strain information technology through a nut milk handbag into a wide-mouth, one pint Mason jar with a lid. Chill for at least an hour, and give it a shake before serving. This method yields a little less than a cup of milk.

Save Those Solids!

Y'all tin can employ the thick solids left behind from straining to add diet to recipes — after all, they contain the fiber and nutrients that don't make information technology into the milk. Transfer the solids to a covered container and refrigerate for up to iii days. Blend a spoonful into a smoothie to make it heartier, or mix information technology into muffin batter, brownies, or even meatloaf.


  • What Is Oat Milk?
  • How to Make and Use Plant-Based Milks
  • half dozen Fun Means to Flavor Homemade Not-Dairy Milks

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